
Management & Leadership Development

Organisation-wide Learning & Development


  • Developing Managers Into Leaders
  • Cultural Improvement & Team Development Programmes
  • Achieving Business & Functional
    Excellence Through Product/Service
    Innovation And A Culture Of
    Coaching ‘In-The-Line’


  • Developing Leaders Into
    ‘Enabling Leaders’
  • Cross-functional Front-line Management Development
  • Senior & Middle Management Skills
  • Improving Communication And Culture Across All Trading & Service Functions


  • Coaching-based Programmes To Assure Team & Individual ‘On Top Of Role’ Performance, Functional Unity And Sustainable Business Outcomes
  • Focused Development On The Primary Areas Of Team/People Development, Managing Purpose & Process, Functional Innovation, Proactive Performance and Customer Excellence

“Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things”

A continuous development approach to business learning and leadership development revolves around three types of intervention and must be blended on a priority-led basis for the era ahead: attaining and maintaining on-top-of-role performance, facilitating accountability across the whole management population and; enabling new skills and behaviours relative to organisation-wide needs and culture.

We believe that every leader and manager needs to be trained to lead, trained to manage and be expected to run their part of the economy in a sustainable and accountable way, with a common set of integrity values which bring wellbeing to the people and high efficacy to all business functions. Leadership Academy is a system of modular management training and leadership development programmes that can be delivered over time to ensure a skilled, productive, proactive, happy and healthy workforce, with everyone on top of their role and behaving as a working family.

Only when a fully engaged workforce are aligned to the common purpose of delivering excellence for their customers, can market-share be maintained and increased in a sustainable way. An organisation-wide culture of leadership and teamwork will quickly begin to unlock the hidden capacity that brings innovation and resourcefulness from the core of sustainable thinking.

For more information, download a brochure or get in touch.
